Final Reflection

Wow, last lesson observation! I honestly cannot believe how fast it went by. I am shocked that tomorrow is our last day. This lesson was difficult, and I honestly wish I had picked something a little simpler for my observation, but overall I think it went okay. Factors and multiples are a complex topic, but we know since we have been working on skip counting and multiplication, this was appropriate to do next. 

I think the factor rainbows went well once the students understood the concept and knew what we were doing. I think working one on one with J really helped him to see what we were doing. I believe that if I were to have done more small group instruction, the lesson might have gone smoother. I also think that breaking it up and doing just factors one day and multiples another would have been helpful. 

Goal Reflection: 

-I want to differentiate my math instruction more. I think I have a solid plan for those at the elementary level but need to create some more difficult content with those at a higher mathematical level. 
I believe that I met this goal. I know I still have work to do, but over the past few weeks, I have evaluated different standards and looked to find ways to use the same material but tailor it to each student. It was vital that I found ways to meet all students where they were. I know I have a long way to go, but I am proud of my work. 

- I would like to connect more with Sam and find ways to integrate his learning into our other lessons. 
I really believe that I accomplished this goal. I think Sam felt comfortable and safe around me. He wanted to work with me when he could, and we formed a good bond. I wish we had a week more because I finally feel like we got into a good groove of working hard and really making a difference. 
- I would like to deepen my differentiated writing instruction. I have a hard time with writing as a whole, but I will take this as an opportunity to learn more strategies. 
I met this goal but still have a lot to improve on. Writing is my weak subject, I struggle with writing, and it is hard to seem like you know what you are doing when you are still learning. To continue to pursue this goal, I decided to sign up for some professional development this fall that is specific to differentiating writing instruction. 


  1. It was a great lesson but I like the idea of breaking it up into two separate lessons. This would give the students more practice opportunities. I'm glad you met your goals. I really saw you grow in your teaching from the beginning of the class to the end. At first you were a little anxious about the differentiation but by the end, I could tell you felt more comfortable with this strategy. It showed through the students as they were more engaged when you did that.

  2. HEEYYY Miss M! I loved your lesson. I think you did an awesome job with a very difficult topic. The students remained engaged and learned a lot. I am so proud of you for achieving your goals. I am so thankful to have worked alongside of you this summer. You're a wonderful teacher and I am so thankful that we could learn and grow together. :)


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